Where is the memory stored before & after Death?

“Every Stone, drop of water, dust particle, the Tree, seed, animal, every living & dead, in itself are The Entire Creation. They are The entire Universe in compressed form. 

”Nothing is stored in our brains, its been shattered all around the space, Universe & the 5 elements around us. Brain is like a transmitter, the neurons which transform’s & relay Electric Signal, our brain doesn’t hold memory, similar to a Radio device, its just a device which takes it all from the space or other elements & connects to the frequency.
sarvaṁ khalvidaṁ brahma (3.14.1) “Everywhere is Brahman.”
yato vā imāni bhūtāni jāyante yena jātāni jīvanti, yatprayantyabhisamviśhanti
(Taittirīya Upaniṣhad 3.1.1)[v25]
“God is he from whom all living beings have emanated; God is he within whom all living beings are situated; God is he into whom all living beings shall unite.”
tad ejati tan naijati taddūre tadvantike
tad antar asya sarvasya tadusarvasyāsya bāhyataḥ (Īśhopaniṣhad mantra 5)
“The Supreme Brahman does not walk, and yet He walks; He is far, but He is also near. He exists inside everything, but He is also outside everything.
He exists outside and inside all living beings, those that are moving and not moving. He is subtle, and hence, He is incomprehensible. He is very far, but He is also very near. Gita 3.16
Body is like a Computer device.
-- Soul is the power supply, without which nothing works. 
--RAM is like the limited brain storage.
--Main Hard drive or iphone Cloud is The Memory. The Akashic Records or Frequencies or Planets electronic magnetic waves where the memory is been stored. (This storage remains from the beginning of the creation & the millions of more cycles of creations ahead, similar to what came first the seed or the tree? Chicken or the egg? The repetition of every creation is stored here, every future invention which were already invented in the past is taken from here) 
--Cookies - These are short term memories. We can’t remember what we had yesterday.
--Extra Storage device. The Memory card, USB Drive – These are all the balanced elements like the Food, Water & Earth which stores memories, most of these memories are of our PAST LIVES, based on these memories we behave with a particular person in a particular manner in our present birth. There is always a reason to why we love or hate someone without even knowing about them, they are the reflection of our own past behavior. 
Space/Ether is widely known to store the memories but how the other 4 elements are also capable to do so?
As Per the Sanatan Dharma rituals the body is been burnt after death.
-Fire takes the fire Element when the body is burnt/space.
-Earth takes the Earth element & forms ash, gets mixed with Earth.
-Water, Little Ashes & remains are later put in holy rivers.
-Air takes the air element in form of smoke. 
-Ether takes the consciences level to the sky.
--When the Person dies the Memories gets mixed within these 5 Elements & when the body takes a rebirth, they regain those memories back from the same 5 elements in form of Food- Earth, Air- frequency, Ether-Vibration, Water & Fire we do Homas with mantras, they travel through these 2 elements, fire is for purity.
After death, the elements are the storage device of our past memories, eg water – Rishis use to curse or bless someone by doing a Sankalp with water. Every Stone, drop of water, dust particle, the Tree, the seed, the animals in itself are the entire creation. They are the entire Universe in itself in a compressed form.
Shrimad Bhagwatam Chanto 2 Verse 26 to 29
Sky - sound
Air - sound, touch
Fire - sound, touch, form
Water - sound, touch, form, taste
Earth - sound, touch, form, taste, smell 

Sound is the common element which represent Sky or the Akashic records or the cosmos, frequencies etc which are already stored within the space & so most of the memories are been staked here within the 5th dimension of our Cosmic creation. 
Subtle element Gross element
Sound is the subtle quality of sky
Touch is the subtle quality of air
Form is the subtle quality of fire
Taste is the subtle quality of water
Smell is the subtle quality of earth
The five knowledge acquiring senses and their controlling deities:
1) Ears - sense of hearing - controlling deities of directions
2) Skin - sense of touch - controlling deity of air, Vayu
3) Eyes - sense of sight - controlling deity the Sun god
4) Tongue - sense of taste - controlling deity of water, Varuna
5) Nose - sense of smell - controlling deity the Asvini Kumaras
The five working senses and their controlling deities:
1) Voice - Agni
2) Hands - Indra, king of heaven
3) Legs - Lord Visnu
4) Anus - Mitra
5) Genitals - Brahma
Aniruddha - mind (Moon god)
Pradyumna - intelligence (Brahma)
Sankarsana - false ego (Siva)
Shrimad Bhagwatam Chanto 2 Chapter 5
*Note – I do not Claim everything mentioned is proven or true.
||HAre KrIshnA||

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